
Basic configuration

Show service navigation until...

Field type: Select

Available values: • don't show • always show • Phone (landscape) (≥576px) • Tablet (portrait) (≥768px) • Tablet (landscape) (≥992px) • Desktop (≥1200px) • Container-max-width (Full-width-boxed)

Example value: Tablet (portrait) (≥768px)

Path to the configuration: Tab "Footer" => Block "Copyright footer" => Section "Basic configuration"

Technical name: twt-footer-service-menu-show

Define up to which viewport the "Footer service navigation" should be displayed.

The navigation itself must be assigned in the Sales Channel.

Content (Widget)

Field type: Select

Available values: • don't show • Communities or social media

Example value: don't show

Path to the configuration: Tab "Footer" => Block "Copyright footer" => Section "Basic configuration"

Technical name: twt-footer-bottom-element-1

You can find the configuration of the widgets in the tab "Widgets".

Shop name / Sales channel name

Field type: Select

Available values: • Shop name • Sales channel name

Example value: Shop name

Path to the configuration: Tab "Footer" => Block "Copyright footer" => Section "Basic configuration"

Technical name: twt-footer-bottom-shopname

The copyright footer can show either the shop name or the name of the sales channel.

Colour configuration

Text colour

Field type: Color picker

Example value: #666666

Path to the configuration: Tab "Footer" => Block "Copyright footer" => Section "Colour configuration"

Technical name: twt-footer-bottom-color

Field type: Color picker

Example value: #666666

Path to the configuration: Tab "Footer" => Block "Copyright footer" => Section "Colour configuration"

Technical name: twt-footer-bottom-link-color

Field type: Color picker

Example value: #333333

Path to the configuration: Tab "Footer" => Block "Copyright footer" => Section "Colour configuration"

Technical name: twt-footer-bottom-link-color-hover

Background colour

Field type: Color picker

Example value: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)

Path to the configuration: Tab "Footer" => Block "Copyright footer" => Section "Colour configuration"

Technical name: twt-footer-bottom-background-color


Background image

Field type: Media selection

Example value: ``

Path to the configuration: Tab "Footer" => Block "Copyright footer" => Section "Background-image"

Technical name: twt-footer-bottom-background-image

Show background image

Field type: Select

Available values: • don't show • show

Example value: show

Path to the configuration: Tab "Footer" => Block "Copyright footer" => Section "Background-image"

Technical name: twt-footer-bottom-background-image-show

Image size

Field type: Select

Available values: • Initial size (auto) • Cover background completely (cover) • Cover background completely (contain)

Example value: Initial size (auto)

Path to the configuration: Tab "Footer" => Block "Copyright footer" => Section "Background-image"

Technical name: twt-footer-bottom-background-image-size

auto The auto keyword scales the background image in the appropriate direction to maintain the initial aspect ratio.

cover The image is sized to maintain its aspect ratio while filling the element's entire content box.

contain The image is sized to maintain its aspect ratio while fitting within the element's content box.


Field type: Select

Available values: • left, top • left, center • left, bottom • right, top • right, center • right, bottom • center, top • center, center • center, bottom

Example value: left, top

Path to the configuration: Tab "Footer" => Block "Copyright footer" => Section "Background-image"

Technical name: twt-footer-bottom-background-image-position


Field type: Select

Available values: • No repeat (no-repeat) • Horizontal and vertical (repeat) • Horizontal (repeat-x) • Vertical (repeat-y)

Example value: Horizontal and vertical (repeat)

Path to the configuration: Tab "Footer" => Block "Copyright footer" => Section "Background-image"

Technical name: twt-footer-bottom-background-image-repeat


Field type: Select

Available values: • Background image scrolls with the page (scroll) • Background image stays fixed (fixed)

Example value: Background image stays fixed (fixed)

Path to the configuration: Tab "Footer" => Block "Copyright footer" => Section "Background-image"

Technical name: twt-footer-bottom-background-image-attachment

Scroll: The background image scrolls with the page.

Fixed: The background image stays fixed relative to the viewport.


Font size

Field type: Number field

Example value: 14

Path to the configuration: Tab "Footer" => Block "Copyright footer" => Section "Typography"

Technical name: twt-footer-bottom-font-size


License key for branding removal

Field type: Text field

Example value: ``

Path to the configuration: Tab "Footer" => Block "Copyright footer" => Section "Branding"

Technical name: twt-footer-lizenzkey

If you want to remove the ThemeWare® branding, you can purchase a license from us. If you are interested, the fastest way to contact us is here.

Last updated


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