Product pages

  1. Breadcrumb

  2. CMS block "Product name & manufacturer logo" from Shopware

  3. Product name

  4. Manufacturer logo

  5. CMS block "Gallery and Buybox" from Shopware

  6. CMS block "Product description & reviews" from Shopware


  1. ThemeWare® Product badges

  2. Product image

  3. Arrow navigation

  4. ThemeWare® "Picture similar to product" note

  5. Dot navigation

  6. Thumbnails


  1. Price

  2. Free shipping note

  3. Variant selection ("Text" layout)

  4. Variant selection ("Colour" layout)

  5. Quantity selection and buy button

  1. Produkt price

  2. ThemeWare® Stock label

  3. ThemeWare® Individual announcement

  4. ThemeWare® Payment logos on the product page

  5. Product number + ThemeWare® Product specifications

  6. ThemeWare® Sharing links

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