
Basic configuration

Maximum width

Field type: Number field

Example value: 0

Path to the configuration: Tab "Product pages" => Block "Product videos (in tabs)" => Section "Basic configuration"

Technical name: twt-product-detail-videos-max-width

Enter the maximum width for videos in pixels here.

Product videos can be added via a custom field in the corresponding product.

Use the value '0' to set no maximum width.

Show video controls

Field type: Select

Available values: • don't show • show

Example value: show

Path to the configuration: Tab "Product pages" => Block "Product videos (in tabs)" => Section "Basic configuration"

Technical name: twt-product-detail-product-videos-show-controls

Advanced privacy mode

Field type: Select

Available values: • no • yes

Example value: yes

Path to the configuration: Tab "Product pages" => Block "Product videos (in tabs)" => Section "Basic configuration"

Technical name: twt-product-detail-product-videos-advanced-privacy

When you turn on privacy-enhanced mode, the video platform won't store information about visitors on your website, until they play the video.

Note: This configuration relates to YouTube and Vimeo videos.

Load video only after confirmation by the user

Field type: Select

Available values: • no • yes

Example value: no

Path to the configuration: Tab "Product pages" => Block "Product videos (in tabs)" => Section "Basic configuration"

Technical name: twt-product-detail-product-videos-need-confirmation

Displays a "placeholder" so that the video is loaded only after confirmation by the user.

To edit or translate the text please use the following snippet: component.cms.vimeo.privacyNoticeText

Note: This configuration relates to YouTube and Vimeo videos.

Placeholder (YouTube/Vimeo videos)

Layout type

Field type: Select

Available values: • default • Platform icon • Preview image

Example value: default

Path to the configuration: Tab "Product pages" => Block "Product videos (in tabs)" => Section "Placeholder (YouTube/Vimeo videos)"

Technical name: twt-product-detail-product-videos-placeholder-layout-type

Select the layout of the "placeholder".

default Minimal layout with a configured background colour.

Platform icon The icon of the corresponding video platform is displayed as a "background image" above the configured background colour.

Preview image The configured preview image is displayed as a background image.

Background colour

Field type: Color picker

Example value: #eeeeee

Path to the configuration: Tab "Product pages" => Block "Product videos (in tabs)" => Section "Placeholder (YouTube/Vimeo videos)"

Technical name: twt-product-detail-product-videos-placeholder-background-color

Background colour (Backdrop)

Field type: Color picker

Example value: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)

Path to the configuration: Tab "Product pages" => Block "Product videos (in tabs)" => Section "Placeholder (YouTube/Vimeo videos)"

Technical name: twt-product-detail-product-videos-backdrop-background-color

Select the colour for the coloured overlay of the video placeholder.

Background colour (Overlay)

Field type: Color picker

Example value: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)

Path to the configuration: Tab "Product pages" => Block "Product videos (in tabs)" => Section "Placeholder (YouTube/Vimeo videos)"

Technical name: twt-product-detail-product-videos-overlay-background-color

Select the colour for the overlay of the video placeholder.

Preview image

Field type: Media selection

Example value: ``

Path to the configuration: Tab "Product pages" => Block "Product videos (in tabs)" => Section "Placeholder (YouTube/Vimeo videos)"

Technical name: twt-product-detail-product-videos-placeholder-preview-image

Last updated


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