Announcement banner
The announcement banner is a status bar above the header. Status message can be displayed here.
The banner is suitable for the promotion of campaigns, for example. Changes in shipping times due to vacation or absence can also be displayed.
Theme configuration
Go to the tab "Extensions"
Expand the block "Announcement banner (in the header)"
Enable the banner with the configuration "Show announcement banner"
Configure whether the banner should be displayed from or to a certain date and whether the banner should be linked
Now design the "Announcement banner"
Save your changes after editing
Edit the text of the announcement banner using the snippet
Optional: If necessary, edit the URL with the snippet
Note: For information on how to edit snippets, see the following instructions: Texts: Editing and translation
Tip: If a change does not affect the storefront, just clear the Shopware cache: Clearing / warming up the Shopware cache
Announcement banner closable
With the configuration "Closable", a close button is added to the banner. This allows the visitor to hide the banner for one day.
This is logged via a "local storage" cookie. An seperate entry is added to the cookie consent from Shopware for this purpose. If this "comfort feature" is not agreed to, the close button is not displayed.
Note: Please note that Shopware adds this entry for each installed theme! This option is therefore not recommended if you are using more than one ThemeWare® theme.
Theme configuration
Tab "Extensions" => Block "Announcement banner (in the header)"
Last updated