Custom fields

ThemeWare® uses various custom fields to be able to use or represent category-specific or product-specific information in the storefront.

In this part of the Knowledge Base we explain all the custom fields in ThemeWare®.

Tip: Uninstalling can help if, for example, you have deleted ThemeWare® custom fields. These will be available again after a reinstallation.

Technical name:

The technical name of the ThemeWare® custom fields has a specific structure. Each custom field consists of a theme specific part and a custom field specific part.

Basic structure: {theme specific}__{custom field spefific}

The theme specific part starts with the prefix twt. This is followed by the name (e.g. modern or clean) and the edition (pro or cloud) of the theme used. The theme specific part is closed by the suffix custom_field. This structure allows individual custom fields for each theme.

Theme specific: {prefix}_{theme name}_{theme edition}_{suffix}

After the theme specific structure follows the custom field specific part. This starts with the set (e.g. category or product) to which the custom field belongs. Finally follows the actual name of the custom field (e.g. body_class).

Custom field specific: {set}__{name of the custom field}

Everything is written in lower case and separated with underscores.



{prefix}_{theme name}_{theme edition}_{suffix}__{set}__{name of the custom field}

Custom field management

You can edit the custom fields used by ThemeWare® via the category or product administration.

You can also find these in the custom field management of Shopware 6. However, we strongly advise against editing this technical information. We can currently only guarantee error-free functionality if the fields are not edited.

Important: We strongly advise against editing the technical information of custom fields in the Shopware 6 custom field management and reserve the possibility to hide them there.

Last updated