Listing subcategories

The "Subcategories in Listing" feature familiar from our themes for Shopware 5 is also available in ThemeWare® for Shopware 6.

The texts and images shown were taken from the category management ("Catalogues" => "Categories") of Shopware. The "Name" and the "Image" (= Display image) of the corresponding categories are displayed. The image is not mandatory.

Note: As the name suggests, the ThemeWare® extension "Listing subcategories" only works on CMS pages of the type "Listing page". In addition, subcategories in Shopware 6 are only displayed for the main category.


Theme configuration (v2.1.0)

  1. Go to the tab "Listing pages"

  2. Expand the block "Listing subcategories"

  3. Enable the configuration "Show listing subcategories"

  4. Optional: Use the further configuration options

  5. Save your changes after editing

Tip: In the Pro Edition, a corresponding CMS extension is also available. This allows you to freely position a dedicated CMS block in your layouts and configure it individually: Listing subcategories


  1. Switch via the main navigation to the "Category managment" (1) (2) ("Catalogues" => "Categories")

  2. Choose the category you want to edit (3)

  3. To the right of the category list, the corresponding category now opens in the category editor (4)

  4. You are in the tab "General"

  5. In the block "General" you can edit the category name (Name).

  6. Scroll to the block "Menu settings"

  7. Here you can edit the category image (Display image)

  8. Save your changes

Layout types

There are currently 3 different display modes available (see screenshots below):

  • Text only

  • Image only

  • Text below the image


Last updated


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