
Note: This article is work in progress.

Die ThemeWare® CMS-Banner sind für die Verwendung im ihren CMS-Blöcken vorgesehen. Die Elemente lassen sich daher nicht austauschen oder in anderen Blöcken platzieren.

Available banner elements

Add a banner element

Banner-Elemente können derzeit nur mit dem entsprechenden CMS-Block hinzugefügt werden. Füge den gewünschten Block einfach per Drag’n’Drop deiner Erlebniswelt hinzu.

Mehr Informationen dazu findest du in der folgenden Anleitung: Banner

Note: You can find the banner blocks in the "ThemeWare® {Your Theme} - Banners" section [Pro]

Category name and category image

Display category name on listing pages #beta

With ThemeWare® 3.3, we have added an option to dynamically display the name of the current category in the banner. Simply use the placeholder in the "Headline" input field.

Note: This option is currently in a testing phase. It may be that the placeholder changes again in an upcoming update if it turns out to be causing issues.

Display category image on listing pages #beta

With ThemeWare® 3.3, we have added the option of dynamically loading the image of the current category in the banner. To do this, simply use the Data mapping button in the image configuration of the banner.

Note: Please note that #beta elements and features are still in a testing phase and may change with an upcoming update. However, please feel free to give them a try.

Last updated

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