

Field type: Select

Available values: • no • yes

Example value: no

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Beta"

Technical name: twt-quickview-show

Activates a "Quickview" feature in product boxes.

Beta: This feature may change in an upcoming update, but feel free to test it and send us your feedback.

Quantity selection (in product boxes)

Field type: Select

Available values: • no • yes

Example value: no

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Beta"

Technical name: twt-product-box-quantity-selection-show

Activates a quantity selection in product boxes.

Beta: This feature may change in an upcoming update, but feel free to test it and send us your feedback.

Field type: Select

Available values: • no • yes

Example value: no

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Beta" => Section "Dropdown top navigation"

Technical name: twt-nav-main-dropdown

Activates a minimised dropdown navigation that replaces the default flyout of the top navigation.

Beta: This feature may change in an upcoming update, but feel free to test it and send us your feedback.

Drop shadow

Field type: Select

Available values: • no shadow (default) • Small shadow (Bootstrap) • Regular shadow (Bootstrap) • Larger shadow (Bootstrap)

Example value: no shadow (default)

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Beta" => Section "Dropdown top navigation"

Technical name: twt-nav-main-dropdown-box-shadow-type

Adds a drop shadow to the submenus.

Beta: This feature may change in an upcoming update, but feel free to test it and send us your feedback.

Activate "open left" JS plugin

Field type: Select

Available values: • no • yes

Example value: no

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Beta" => Section "Dropdown top navigation"

Technical name: twt-nav-main-dropdown-plugin

Activates a JS plugin which opens submenus "on the left" if there is not enough space on the right side of the window.

Beta: This feature may change in an upcoming update, but feel free to test it and send us your feedback.

Top navigation flyout

Field type: Select

Available values: • no • yes

Example value: no

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Beta" => Section "Top navigation flyout"

Technical name: twt-nav-main-external-links-icon-show

Beta: This feature may change in an upcoming update, but feel free to test it and send us your feedback.

Product box

Compact product boxes

Field type: Select

Available values: • no • yes

Example value: no

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Beta" => Section "Product box"

Technical name: twt-product-box-compact-layout

Use this configuration to display product boxes more compactly than usual.

Beta: This feature may change in an upcoming update, but feel free to test it and send us your feedback.

Product image resizing

Field type: Select

Available values: • no • yes

Example value: no

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Beta" => Section "Product box"

Technical name: twt-product-image-resizing

Activate an improved resizing of product images in 1-column listings in mobile viewports.

Note: This configuration applies to the "Compact product boxes" function.

Beta: This feature may change in an upcoming update, but feel free to test it and send us your feedback.

Apply 'Product image resizing' up to...

Field type: Select

Available values: • Phone (portrait) (<576px) • Phone (landscape) (<768px) • Tablet (portrait) (<992px) • Tablet (landscape) (<1200px) • Desktop (<1440px) • all viewports

Example value: Phone (portrait) (<576px)

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Beta" => Section "Product box"

Technical name: twt-product-image-resizing-breakpoint

Select the viewport up to which the improved resizing of product images should be applied.

Note: The "Product image resizing" is designed for 1-column listings in mobile viewports, but you can also use it in higher viewports. In this case we strongly recommend using a consistent image size for all product images.

Weaken products after clearance

Field type: Select

Available values: • no • yes

Example value: no

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Beta" => Section "Product box"

Technical name: twt-product-box-sold

Use this configuration to weaken products after clearance.

Products after clearance can also be completely hidden in the Shopware settings ("Settings" > "Shop" > "Products" > "Hide products after clearance").

Beta: This feature may change in an upcoming update, but feel free to test it and send us your feedback.

Layout type "Weaken products after clearance"

Field type: Select

Available values: • reduce opacity • greyscale • greyscale + reduce opacity

Example value: reduce opacity

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Beta" => Section "Product box"

Technical name: twt-product-box-sold-style

This configuration relates to the configuration "Weaken products after clearance".

Beta: This feature may change in an upcoming update, but feel free to test it and send us your feedback.

Last updated


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