Footer navigation

The footer navigation is a static footer element in Shopware. With ThemeWare® it can be used flexibly in the form of a widget.


The footer navigation itself is a core element of Shopware 6. In order to be able to show a navigation in the footer, it is necessary – in addition to assigning the widget in ThemeWare® itself – to create a corresponding category structure.

Create a main category called "Footer navigation". Add subcategories to this. Each of these subcategories of the main category (e.g. "Footer navigation") represents a navigation column in the footer.

You can find the configuration in the "Widgets" tab.

If one column with menu items in the footer is all you need, just create one subcategory (e.g. "Information") in the main category (e.g. "Footer Navigation"). Now add further subcategories to this subcategory (e.g. "Contact" or "Imprint"). These subcategories are now the content pages. Assign appropriate CMS layouts to them.

If you want to use multiple columns in the footer navigation, just create several subcategories (e.g. "Shop Service" and "Information") in the main category (e.g. "Footer navigation"). Now add further subcategories to these subcategories (e.g. "About us", "Contact" or "Imprint"). These sub-subcategories are now the content pages. Assign appropriate CMS layouts.

Note: If a change in the footer navigation or the footer navigation itself is not displayed, just clear the Shopware cache once.

Go to the settings of the corresponding sales channel and select the main category (e.g. "Footer navigation") in the field "Entry point footer navigation".

Save this change, clear the Shopware cache once ("Settings" => "System" => "Caches & Indexes") and reload the storefront once.

You have now assigned the footer navigation to your storefront.

In all themes, the footer navigation is already assigned to a footer element and should now be displayed directly.


Theme configuration

  • Tab "Widgets" => Block "Footer navigation"


  • The footer navigation does not use snippets.

[Tags: footernavigation]

Last updated


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