
Product-specific custom fields from ThemeWare®.

Edit product custom fields

  1. Switch via the main navigation to the "Product managment" (1) (2) ("Catalogues" => "Products")

  2. Choose the product you want to edit (3)

  3. Switch to the tab "Specifications"

  4. Scroll to the block "Custom fields"

  5. Select the tab for your theme (e.g. "Products (ThemeWare® Modern Pro)")

  6. Make the desired changes

  7. Save your changes

You have now edited product custom fields.

Custom field tabs

ThemeWare® offers a large number of custom fields, so from version 3.2 we use more than one tab to organise them in the best possible way.

  • Products

    • e.g "Products (ThemeWare® Modern Pro)" or "Products (ThemeWare® Modern Cloud)"

  • Further links

    • e.g. "Further links (Modern Pro)" or "Further links (Modern Cloud)"

  • Downloads

    • e.g. "Downloads (Modern Pro)" or "Downloads (Modern Cloud)"

  • Datasheets

    • e.g. "Datasheets (Modern Pro)" or "Datasheets (Modern Cloud)"

  • Videos

    • e.g. "Videos (Modern Pro)" or "Videos (Modern Cloud)"

Last updated


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