
Primary colour

Field type: Color picker

Example value: #0c72a7

Path to the configuration: Tab "Layout" => Block "Main colours"

Technical name: sw-color-brand-primary

ThemeWare® variables ($twt-...) are currently not possible in this field.

Variable: $sw-color-brand-primary

Secondary colour

Field type: Color picker

Example value: #404b58

Path to the configuration: Tab "Layout" => Block "Main colours"

Technical name: sw-color-brand-secondary

ThemeWare® variables ($twt-...) are currently not possible in this field.

Variable: $sw-color-brand-secondary

Border colour

Field type: Color picker

Example value: #eaeaf0

Path to the configuration: Tab "Layout" => Block "Main colours"

Technical name: sw-border-color

ThemeWare® variables ($twt-...) are currently not possible in this field.

Variable: $sw-border-color

Background colour

Field type: Color picker

Example value: #fafafa

Path to the configuration: Tab "Layout" => Block "Main colours"

Technical name: sw-background-color

ThemeWare® variables ($twt-...) are currently not possible in this field.

Variable: $sw-background-color

Primary colour (light)

Field type: Color picker

Example value: #2a96cf

Path to the configuration: Tab "Layout" => Block "Main colours"

Technical name: twt-color-brand-primary-light

A bright shade of the primary colour.

Variable: $twt-color-brand-primary-light

Primary colour (dark)

Field type: Color picker

Example value: #104d6e

Path to the configuration: Tab "Layout" => Block "Main colours"

Technical name: twt-color-brand-primary-dark

A darker shade of the primary colour.

Variable: $twt-color-brand-primary-dark

Secondary colour (light)

Field type: Color picker

Example value: #4b5867

Path to the configuration: Tab "Layout" => Block "Main colours"

Technical name: twt-color-brand-secondary-light

A bright shade of the secondary colour.

Variable: $twt-color-brand-secondary-light

Secondary colour (dark)

Field type: Color picker

Example value: #353e49

Path to the configuration: Tab "Layout" => Block "Main colours"

Technical name: twt-color-brand-secondary-dark

A darker shade of the secondary colour.

Variable: $twt-color-brand-secondary-dark

Last updated


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