
Expert mode

Field type: Select

Available values: • no • yes

Example value: yes

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Expert settings"

Technical name: twt-expert-mode

This configuration enables/disables the "Expert mode". Deactivate the "Expert mode" to be able to avoid errors.

Individual CSS class

Body class

Field type:\

Available values:\

Example value: Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Expert settings" => Section "Individual CSS class"

Technical name: twt-body-class

Adds one or more CSS classes to the HTML body. Separate multiple classes with spaces.

Example: my-shop

Individual code

Individual CSS code

Field type: Teat area

Example value: ``

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Expert settings" => Section "Individual code"

Technical name: twt-custom-css-code

These CSS code is loaded directly in the head area and should be minimized with a CSS minifier tool. Ideally, you should add CSS code via a SCSS file, e.g. with a customising plugin.

Caution: This configuration can lead to errors if you enter a wrong value! Only use this if you are absolutely sure.

Individual HTML code

Field type: Teat area

Example value: ``

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Expert settings" => Section "Individual code"

Technical name: twt-custom-html-code

Individual HTML code in the <head> area to add <meta> or <style> tags, for example. Ideally, you should add HTML code via a template customisation.

Caution: This configuration can lead to errors if you enter a wrong value! Only use this if you are absolutely sure.

Individual JavaScript code

Field type: Teat area

Example value: ``

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Expert settings" => Section "Individual code"

Technical name: twt-custom-js-code

Add individual JavaScript code to the end of the HTML page. Enter the complete <script> tag here. Ideally, you should add JavaScript code via a JS file, e.g. with a customising plugin.

Caution: This configuration can lead to errors if you enter a wrong value! Only use this if you are absolutely sure.

CSS file

Load CSS file

Field type: Select

Available values: • no • yes

Example value: no

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Expert settings" => Section "CSS file"

Technical name: twt-additional-css-file-load

CSS file

Field type: URL

Example value: demo.url/styles.css

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Expert settings" => Section "CSS file"

Technical name: twt-additional-css-file

Herewith you can load your own CSS file (e.g. FontAwesome) from your server.

Note: Access to external files is not recommended, be aware of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for this.

JavaScript file

Load JavaScript file

Field type: Select

Available values: • no • yes

Example value: no

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Expert settings" => Section "JavaScript file "

Technical name: twt-additional-js-file-load

JavaScript file

Field type: URL

Example value: demo.url/script.js

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Expert settings" => Section "JavaScript file "

Technical name: twt-additional-js-file

Herewith you can load your own JS file from your server.

Please note that the file is not integrated into the cookie manager.

Note: Access to external files is not recommended, be aware of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for this.

Load file asynchronously

Field type: Select

Available values: • no • yes

Example value: no

Path to the configuration: Tab "Others" => Block "Expert settings" => Section "JavaScript file "

Technical name: twt-additional-js-file-async

Last updated


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